Poultry and fish feed ingredients international trading involves the buying and selling of raw materials used in the production of animal feed for the poultry and fish farming industries. The ingredients may include various grains, protein meals, and other supplements.

The international trade of poultry and fish feed ingredients is driven by the demand for high-quality animal feed in various industries, including commercial poultry and fish farming. The industry is subject to fluctuations in supply and demand, changes in market prices, and geopolitical factors such as trade policies and regional conflicts.

The trade involves a complex network of suppliers, traders, and buyers, who work together to ensure the supply and demand of poultry and fish feed ingredients is met. Trading can occur via physical delivery or through financial instruments such as futures contracts and options.

The industry faces challenges, such as the impact of environmental concerns and the need for sustainable farming practices. However, the demand for poultry and fish feed ingredients is expected to continue to grow as the global population increases and the demand for high-quality animal protein rises.

Overall, poultry and fish feed ingredients international trading plays an important role in the global food industry, providing a vital resource for animal feed while also supporting economic growth and development in producing countries.